Industry-leading, cutting-edge smart water management system and smart wastewater management system IoT solutions.
Your water and wastewater data captured, displayed, and diagnosed with advanced notification in a single remote visibility IoT platform. Be aware of your reliability and compliance events at all roles and organizations without the need for access to SCADA. Advanced analytics drive higher efficiency in pumping stations, filter cleaning, and energy consumptions. This software for water management ensures seamless operations.
Challenges for Water Operations Today
Limit Access to the HMI/SCADA System
Get Data to the Functional Teams Without Impacting SCADA Systems
Easily Accessible Remote Visibility
Easy Access to Information while in the Field or Backoffice
Security (OT/IT) – Lessen the Burden
There’s often no clear plan for achieving sustainability and carbon reduction goals, especially considering budget constraints.
Regulatory – Writing the Measurements on Clipboards
Human Data/Calculation Errors, Multiple Hand-offs, No Audit Trail, Paper Accumulation
Deferred Maintenance
Difficult to Prioritize and Justify Maintenance Improvements
Organizational Knowledge
Retirement and employee turnover leads to loss of equipment knowledge and efficiency.
FacilityConneX Smart Water Solutions
Realtime Water Control
Our water management software provides in-depth maintenance information of your critical areas, giving access to key compliance and regulatory data for smooth operations of your systems.
Measure, Detect, Optimize
Hundreds of off-the-shelf analytics targeting key equipment and processes in HVAC, chilled and hot water systems, and air quality.
Sustainability & Energy Waste
Self-customizable dashboards and views for facility and energy teams that provide actionable information for optimizing equipment for energy and emissions performance.
Integrate With All Systems
Over 200 protocols designed to work seamlessly to bring data and equipment knowledge in real time through our IoT water management platform.
Experts At Your Fingertips
Let FacilityConneX's commissioning and energy experts guide you to the right set of actions.
Keep up with your Environmental, Regulatory, and Compliance
Use our intelligent manual data entry technology to eliminate the clipboard to get your environmental data instantly, accurately, and in the hands of operations.
Secure Remote Access
Get the appropriate information and data decision-making to the correct personnel without direct access to the SCADA system.
Let The System Do The Talking
Thousands of equipment are analyzed and prioritized in minutes anytime and from anywhere using our water & wastewater management software.